Knowledgeable, Dependable Service In Probate, Trust And Estate Law

Estate Administration Attorney Serving Metro Atlanta

The death of a loved one is an extremely difficult time for any family. Opening and administering an estate is an onerous task during such a stressful time. At Chan Law Firm, we have extensive experience working closely with families to efficiently administer estates and deal with creditors, if necessary. Our team can make recommendations on the different types of pleadings to file with the probate court based on your specific needs, and we can prepare those filings for you.

Our firm also counsels families on alternatives to opening an estate, if such an option is available. During this difficult time, we can help alleviate the stress of dealing with the courts, handling creditors, and distributing the estate among heirs and beneficiaries.

If you have an estate to administer and are running into problems, we can step in to help you at any time.

Contact Our Estate Administration Attorney

To make an appointment, please call us in Marietta at 678-894-7917 or contact us by email. Our team advises and represents clients throughout the Atlanta area.